Closure of Turner Galleries

By: turner galleries

Dec 11 2019

Category: Uncategorized

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20191129_204537It is with mixed emotions that I announce the impending closure of Turner Galleries.

The Gallery opened in October 1999 and has operated as both the Church Gallery in Claremont and Turner Galleries in Northbridge for the past twenty years.

Combined with reaching a personal age of reckoning, twenty years of gallery operation is a good milestone on which to end.

This decision is not made lightly or without regret. However, it’s time to retire and move on gracefully to greater involvement with my growing number of grandchildren and to spend more time with my aging mother and create time for support of my husband’s new business venture. These are my immediate plans along with more time for travel and leisure.

The continued success of Turner Galleries can be attributed to the guidance knowledge and curatorial acumen of curator and manager Allison Archer, who came on board in 2000 and has worked tirelessly with me, ever since.  Special thanks must go to the talented Claire Millar, our designer, who has worked with us since 2001, and to our fabulous Art Angels Administrators; Katie Chin, Natalie McKevitt and currently Belinda Cobby.

We genuinely thank all who have supported this gallery business in so many ways, especially those who did so by purchasing artworks by Western Australian artists.  Thank you for trusting in our judgement and believing in the wonderful artists we have worked with over the last twenty years. It has been a privilege to have been able to present over 300 exhibitions and to work with and serve you: artists, curators, arts workers, and collectors alike.

In some ways closing the gallery is far harder than starting, as I did way back in 1999. It is the reversal of all of that hope and future promise, wading into the unknown with ideals and ambitions and passion.

It is now more like the closing night of a long running play – the last night on Broadway – making a graceful exit stage right, knowing we have done our best, given it our all and we are ready to accept the show is over.

For those of you who have deep regrets that Turner Galleries will no longer operate: Have heart, there will be other galleries and art spaces that will follow and fill the gap. The next venture will begin anew and be in need of your encouragement and support.

The final Turner Galleries exhibitions for 2019 will conclude on Saturday 23 November, and over the following few months the gallery will gradually wind down. Staff will be at the gallery to take your calls until Friday 13 December (Tuesday to Friday 11am to 5pm) and will be available by appointment from 20 January until final closure on 29 February, 2020.

As for Allison, Belinda and me, you will see us all out and about supporting and working in the arts in our various ways.

Again we thank you for the opportunity to have worked with all of you to create a place and space that has supported art and culture in Perth for the last 20 years.

yours sincerely
Helen Turner
Gallery Director